WHEELIESCOOT is a video game fiend based in washington state. They love combining character and game design to create something FRESH, ENGAGING and FUN.WHEELIESCOOT enjoys weird art and nintendo games. They love cute things but also horror. Cats, rain, and coffee are all a must for lil ol' SCOOT!They are working on SPODYSSEY, their PASSION PROJECT and SEQUEL to IN STITCHES WE AWAKE. It will be a rhythm-based rpg about helping (or destroying) a community in space. You only have your words - use them wisely.
a short narrative top-down game exploring a patchwork village. Who lives there? Why, sentient dolls who worship the being who stitched them, of course. Pages of instructions, sheets and sheets of paper, on how each of them should be treated. Written by an artist who hates their own work.Are they cursed to hate themselves forever because of their critical creator? Or will they break free of the judgement and learn to love themselves?You are privy to it, but you have no choice in the matter.For they will always beIn stitches, when they awake.